Friday, 21 December 2012

Data Structure & Algorithm

Today is project presentation

We have done present our blog and finish the project on time. Thanks to all members groups for your commitment and cooperations.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


Welcome to our blog. 

The objective of creating this blog are: 

  • to accomplish our group assignment for Data Structure And Algorithms (CSF3104) subject,
  • update the progress of this project supervise by Prof. Yazid, 
  • and share as much as we can about this project.

Below are the details of our project:

Group Leader: Abdul Rahman bin Jusoh 

7- Title of the project (PK#10)

Development of a safe and secure Internet banking system

Abstract of the project

This project aims at creation of a secure Internet banking system. This will be accessible to all customers who have a valid User Id and Password. This system provides the following facilities:

  • Balance Enquiry
  • Funds Transfer to another account in the same bank
  • Request for cheque book/change of address/stop payment of cheques
  • Viewing Monthly and annual statements.